
Max A. Shacknai Center for Outreach, Volunteerism, and Education (COVE)

The Max A. Shacknai Center for Outreach, Volunteerism, and Education (COVE) fosters a commitment to social responsibility and engagement through mutually beneficial, community-centered partnerships.

Hours of volunteer service a year
economic impact to organizations
Student volunteers

Impactful Work

Student volunteers helping to prep meals at Martha's Table in Washington D.C.
The COVE engages students as learners and citizens through responsible and challenging work.

Students learn the leadership skills needed to impose lasting social change through a variety of collaborative civic projects serving the areas of child and youth mentoring, food and shelter, educational enrichment, and community health. 

The COVE provides a forum for questioning and reflecting on the root causes of challenging social issues.  

Since the COVE’s founding in 2001, thousands of students have contributed more than 610,000 service hours, equaling almost $16.8 million in economic impact with community partners. 

Get Involved 

The COVE connects current students, faculty, and staff with community partners searching for volunteer support and service-learning experiences. We also offer programming with our local public schools to support rising students interested in expanded learning. There are so many ways to get involved in your community, why not start today?