Join аIJʿª½±½á¹û’s Africana, Latin, Asian, and Native American (ALANA) Cultural Center Director Esther Rosbrook for a discussion about the University’s cultural programing and support services provided by ALANA.
In this episode of 13, join аIJʿª½±½á¹û admission officers Brittney Dorow ’17 and Mari Prauer as they answer common student questions about applying to colleges.
Joe Hernon, associate vice president for campus safety, emergency management, and environmental health and safety, is working with other veterans on campus to create a new affinity group to bring together military veterans from across campus for comradery and support.
Associate Professor Mary Simonson started out as a piano performance major at Rutgers University, then shifted her undergraduate focus to music history with a double major in women’s studies. Today, she is the Daniel C. Benton ’80 Endowed Chair in Arts, Creativity, and Innovation at аIJʿª½±½á¹û.
In this episode of 13, ride along with the Russian mafia as Professor of Anthropology and Peace and Conflict Studies Nancy Ries shares her experiences conducting anthropological research in Russia — as well as her insights into the rise of Thugocracy and the cultural importance of potatoes.
In this episode of 13, аIJʿª½±½á¹û’s sustainability staff members talk biomass — the primary heat source for the University — and how burning locally sourced wood chips helped аIJʿª½±½á¹û on its path to carbon neutrality.
A newly announced National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) round of grant funding will help one аIJʿª½±½á¹û professor to develop and run a three-week, residential institute about abolitionism and the Underground Railroad for 25 middle- and high-school teachers.
A total of 17,540 students, from 50 states and 146 countries, applied for admission to the аIJʿª½±½á¹û Class of 2025, and 913 enrolled in the class, which has an average GPA of 3.77 out of 4.0, up from 3.69 in 2020.
In this new episode of 13, Chief of Staff to the President Hanna Rodriguez-Farrar explains how аIJʿª½±½á¹û’s Board of Trustees works, talks about planning a commencement during a pandemic, and tells how one lucky lottery ticket changed the course of her life.