
Faculty Teaching Fellows

The Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty (PDoF) and the Center for Learning, Teaching & Research (CLTR) are pleased to announce an opportunity for faculty members to serve as Faculty Teaching Fellows in the CLTR. The new program offers a one-year role providing the opportunity to explore, develop, and disseminate ideas that further support a culture of teaching and learning at аIJʿª½±½á¹û.

Please review the document linked below to learn more about the Faculty Teaching Fellows program and apply to be a participant.

Faculty Learning Communities

Faculty learning communities (FLCs) are collaborative, cross-disciplinary groups of faculty members who come together to engage in ongoing, reflective discussions and activities focused on enhancing teaching and learning. FLCs provide a supportive environment for faculty to engage in shared inquiry, explore specific issues together, and develop new pedagogical approaches. During the 2024 - 2025 academic year the CLTR will be facilitating an FLC focused on Exploring genAI for Teaching and Learning.


Please review the document linked below to learn more about the work of this faculty learning community and apply to be a participant.

Pedagogical Partnership Program

The CLTR will be continuing its Pedagogical Partnership program during the 2024–2025 academic year. This program is informed by similar programs originally developed at BrynMawr College by Allison Cook-Sather, that included student consultants as partners in the classroom. This original work in the  (Students as Learners and Teachers) program, focused on connecting students, faculty and staff in various forms of co-creation and co-learning. Building on this work, the CLTR seeks to create spaces where faculty, students and academic staff can partner to co-create equitable teaching and learning.

During the fall 2024 semester, a new cohort of student partners will be participating in an orientation course to assist in preparing them for partnership roles with faculty members in the spring 2025 semester. We will also be engaged in outreach to share information about partnership work, and invite interested faculty to contact the CLTR cltr@colgate.edu with questions or to express interest in participating in this program. Below are links to documents providing more information about the program. 

Reading Groups

This fall 2024 semester, the CLTR will be facilitating a reading group for the book, . This will be a great opportunity to connect with colleagues, explore questions, and share ideas about inclusive teaching.

Dates and times are listed below, and all sessions will be held in McGregory 101A

  • Friday, September 13, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
  • Friday, September 20, 12:30–1:30 p.m.
  • Friday, September 27, 12:30–1:30 p.m.

Lunch will be provided and we kindly ask you to you’d like to attend so we can order an appropriate amount of food.

Teaching Tables

Teaching Tables represent more structured and moderated conversations around specific topics that are brought to the CLTR from faculty, students and staff. If you have a teaching need, wish to explore a new technique, want to hear from a faculty panel on a specific topic, etc. just let us know. You propose the topic and perhaps suggested presenters and we do all the work to set things up. To suggest an idea please email cltr@colgate.edu.

Exploring the Data Science Collaboratory at аIJʿª½±½á¹û

Date: Wednesday, 18 September 2024, Noon–1:00 p.m.
Location: McGregory 101A (lunch provided)
Facilitators: Will Cipolli and Josh Finnell

Are you interested in integrating statistics in your courses? Looking to provide students with easy to use tools and resources? The Data Science Collaboratory at аIJʿª½±½á¹û has worked to develop software that addresses barriers to teaching and learning quality statistical practice and accompanying materials for guiding the learning of foundational concepts in statistics. Colleagues in the Collaboratory have created a series of advanced case studies that instructors can use to guide quantitative analyses in courses that use statistics. In this teaching table we will discuss the interactive R Shiny web apps we developed to conduct technically sound statistical analyses that empower instructors and students. These free resources provide exposure to current quantitative research and equip users with the skills to select, apply, and interpret appropriate techniques in real-world contexts, regardless of their prior mathematical or coding experience.

To help us plan for an appropriate amount of food, we kindly ask you to

Pedagogical Partnership @ аIJʿª½±½á¹û

Date: Tuesday, 1 October 2024, Noon–1:00 p.m.
Location: McGregory 101A (lunch provided)
Facilitators: Karyn Belanger, Jeff Nugent + Faculty / Student partners TBD

Please join us for this teaching table as we host past faculty and student partners who have participated in the CLTR’s Pedagogical Partnership program. Following a brief overview and description of the program, panelists will share their experiences and offer insights about the ways in which partnership work helped them to gain new perspectives on teaching and learning, deepen their understanding of classroom life, and create more inclusive educational environments. This will also be a great opportunity for those considering participation in partnership to learn about the responsibilities of both faculty and student partners, including class observations, weekly meetings, and reflective practices.

To help us plan for an appropriate amount of food, we kindly ask you to


Is Grammarly AI? When Does Editing Software Cross a Line?

Date: Wednesday, 7 October 2024, 12:15 - 1:15 p.m.
Location: Lathrop 107
Facilitators: Jenn Lutman

Grammarly is a widely used online tool designed to help users improve their writing. Many high school teachers require or encourage its use for editing and avoiding plagiarism, making it familiar to students by the time they reach аIJʿª½±½á¹û—though not necessarily well understood. Can students distinguish between AI assistance that helps clarify their writing and generative AI that crosses your academic integrity line? This workshop will review features of both the free and premium versions of Grammarly, consider how students are likely using it, and discuss implications for learning, equity, and grading practices. To help us plan for an appropriate amount of food, we kindly ask you to .

Course Development Grants with the Upstate Institute and the COVE

Date:Wednesday, 23 October 2024, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. (lunch provided)
Location: Lathrop 207
Facilitators: Cat Cardelus and Jeremy Wattles

The Upstate Institute and COVE offer grants available to faculty interested in incorporating community-based learning and research in the classroom that enhances the work of regional or international agencies and effects positive change in the community. These grants include a one-time stipend of $4,000 to support course development, as well as funds to support a direct service assignment domestically or internationally or for course expenses associated with regional research projects. Whether offered by an individual faculty member or as team-taught, the course should be offered twice in the four years following receipt of the grant. Please join us for this CLTR teaching table to learn more about these grants and community-based learning and research. Catherine Cardelús, Director of the Upstate Institute (ccardelus@colgate.edu) , and Jeremy Wattles, Director of the COVE (jwattles@colgate.edu), will facilitate a conversation with previous faculty awardees. Please fill in this if you are interested in writing a grant or attending the teaching table.

Morning Grind with the CLTR

Please come join CLTR staff and аIJʿª½±½á¹û colleagues for some coffee and conversation about teaching and learning. The Grind sessions are a bit "open mic" in spirit, and don't tend to have topics identified in advance...but the conversation is always interesting. You can come anytime and stay for as long as you'd like.  

Fall 2024 Morning Grind dates are:

  • Tuesday, September 10, 2024 in McGregory Hall 101A from 8:30–9:30 a.m.
  • Friday, October 4, 2024 in McGregory Hall 101A from 8:30–9:30 a.m. (Special Topic: Open Access Publishing)
  • Tuesday, October 29, 2024 in McGregory Hall 101A from 8:30–9:30 a.m.

Teaching and Learning Workshops

CLTR staff partner with faculty and facilitate workshops on a range of teaching and learning topics.  We also collaborate with colleagues in the Learning and Applied Innovation (LAI) group in ITS to conduct workshops addressing the meaningful use of technology to support instruction. A full list of sessions can be found on the . Please reach out to the CLTR with any ideas you have for a workshop you'd like to see us offer.