
Heather Kropp

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Heather Kropp

Research Affiliate in the Department of Geography

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My research seeks to understand climate change impacts on plants and the subsequent consequences for water and energy cycling from leaf to global scales.

I use a quantitative approach to understand ecosystem phenomena that utilizes a diversity of data types from physiological measurements on leaves to satellite derived imagery on the global scale.

PhD, Environmental Life Sciences, Arizona State University 
B.S., Ecology, The Evergreen State College

Ecohydrology, Plant physiological ecology, Environmental data science, Quantitative ecology 

Plants are the interface between the atmosphere and the soil in most regions across the globe. Plants move water from the soil into the atmosphere while simultaneously converting atmospheric carbon dioxide into biomass that ultimately ends up in the soil. Plants change the conditions of the small area immediately surrounding them (microclimate). For example, tree canopies cool the underlying soil through shading or dark tree branches absorb more sunlight in the winter and melt the surrounding snow. These impacts can add up to affect the global climate over large scales. My research focuses on understanding how plants interact with their surrounding environment and how water cycling might ultimately affect plant growth from the plant to the global scale. You can find out more about my research at 

H. Kropp, M. M. Loranty, S. M. Natali, A. Kholodov, H. D. Alexander, N. Zimov, M. Mack, S. Spawn. 2019. Tree density influences ecohydrological drivers of plant water relations in a larch boreal forest in Siberia. Ecohydrology.

K. Ogle, D. Peltier, M. Fell, J. Guo, H. Kropp, and J. Barber. 2019. Should we be concerned about multiple comparisons in hierarchical Bayesian models?  Methods in Ecology and Evolution.

M. Todt, N. Rutter, C. G. Fletcher, L. M. Wake, P. A. Bartlett, T. Jonas, H. Kropp, M. Loranty, and C. Webster. 2018. Simulation of longwave enhancement in boreal and montane forests. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres.

M.M. Loranty, S. Davydov, H. Kropp, H. D. Alexander, M. Mack, S. Natali, and N. Zimov. 2018. NDVI does not capture landscape scale vegetation dynamics in upland Siberian larch forests. Remote Sensing.

M. M. Loranty, B. W. Abbot, D. Block, T. A. Douglas, H. E. Epstein, B. C. Forbes, B. M. Jones, A. L. Kholodov, H. Kropp, and 10 others. 2018. Changing ecosystem influences on soil thermal regimes in northern high-latitude permafrost regions. Biogeosciences Discussions.

M. M. Loranty, L.T. Berner, E. Taber, H. Kropp, S.M. Natali, H.D. Alexander, S.P. Davydov. 2018. Understory vegetation controls on active layer dynamics and carbon dioxide fluxes in open-canopy Siberian larch forests.  PLOS ONE

E. Ryan. K. Ogle, H. Kropp, K.E. Samuels-Crow, Y. Carrillo, E. Pendall. 2018. Modelling soil CO2 production and transport with dynamic source and diffusion terms: Testing the steady-state assumption using DETECT v1.0. Geoscientific Model Development.

H. Kropp, M.M. Loranty, H.D. Alexander, L.T. Berner, S.M. Natali, S. A. Spawn. 2017. Environmental constraints on transpiration and stomatal conductance in a Siberian Arctic boreal forest. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 122.

H. Kropp, K. Ogle, E. Vivoni, K.R. Hultine. 2017. The sensitivity of evapotranspiration to inter-specific plant neighbor interactions: implications for models. Ecosystems.

B.R.E. Peirson, H. Kropp, J. Damerow, M. Laubichler. 2017. The diversity of experimental organisms in biomedical research may be influenced by biomedical funding. BioEssays. 39: 1600258

H. Kropp, K. Ogle, M.F. Wojciechowski. 2016. A framework for partitioning plant rooting profiles from neighbours using multiple data types. Journal of Vegetation Science. 27: 587-595.

H. Kropp. K. Ogle. 2015. Seasonal stomatal behavior of a common desert shrub and the influence of plant neighbors. Oecologia. 177: 345-355.

Earth Systems Ecology, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Introduction to Remote Sensing, Advanced GIS, Senior Seminar, Advanced GIS: drones